I co-founded 4:3 in 2014. I wrote over 100 reviews, conducted 60+ interviews, as well as writing essays and conducting roundtable discussions in my time running the site. At the same time, I co-managed the editing and publishing side since its founding.

The bulk of my written work for the site can be found here.

Reviews The Long Season (dir. Leonard Retel Helmrich) The Woman Who Left (dir. Lav Diaz), The Ornithologist (dir. João Pedro Rodrigues), Chevalier (dir. Athina Rachel Tsangari), Ta'ang (dir. Wang Bing), Snow Monkey (dir. George Gittoes), The Look of Silence (dir. Joshua Oppenheimer), Tangerine (dir. Sean Baker), Our Little Sister (dir. Hirokazu Koreeda), Lake August (dir. Yang Heng), Timbuktu (dir. Abderrahmane Sissako)

Essays Experimental Film Series at Queensland Institute of Modern Art, "You Have To See..." The Ceremony (dir. Nagisa Oshima), W.R. Mysteries of the Organism (dir. Dušan Makavejev), and Funky Forest (dir. Katushito Ishii).

Assorted Unsound Festival Adelaide Reflections (Published in The Wire), Reflections on Abbas Kiarostami, "Less Than 50": Beijing Bastards (dir. Zhang Yuan)

Beyond cinema, I’ve written about music (a review for Unsound published in UK Magazine the Wire appears below + my conversation with Sonny Rollins can be found in the adjacent interview column).

I was asked to contribute a journal article for a dossier on Carceral–Border Cinema: The Films from Manus Prison. The dossier was a collaboration between myself, Omid Tofighian (ed.), Behrouz Boochani, Arash Kamali Sarvestani and Janet Galbraith.

Cinematic Poetics and Reclaiming History: Chauka, Please Tell Us the Time as Legacy in Carceral-Border Cinema: The Film from Manus Prison

for Alphaville Issue 18: Refugee Filmmaking
